Teoria Țapului ispăşitor https://antipresa.blogspot.com/2024/06/teoria-tapului-ispasitor.html
Aţi dat drumul la televizor? Bravo!
Uite acum mă duc la tablă, să vă vorbesc despre inteligenţa artificială. Ȋmi
place să le spun celor mai deştepţi ca mine că o unitate de calculator va fi
mai inteligentă decȋt inteligenţa umană. Să vedem atunci cine se mai dă mare. Eu
m-am pus bine, deja, cu Inteligenta Sofia.
Iar acum, să vă dau şi-o veste bună: 39% dintre tineri nu vor să aibă copii, pe fondul anxietăţii faţă de schimbările climatice. Asta ȋnseamnă că, inclusiv războiul din Ucraina s-ar putea ȋncheia mai devreme. Poate nu ştiaţi dar, războaiele se-ntȋmplă din cauza schimbărilor climatice şi nu invers, pentru că ȋncălzirea globală determină diminuarea resurselor. E un curs care se predă acum, ȋn special, tinerilor cu dezordini din spectrul anxios.
Deci, ȋn curȋnd nu va mai avea cine să plimbe căţei. Dar se reduce amprenta de carbon. Ȋntre timp…
A apărut, din nou, un monolit ȋn deşert,
ȋn Nevada. Ar trebui să ne fie frică? O fi de origine extraterestră? Că nu e
decȋt al o sutălea, probabil.
Ce spun specialiştii?
motive să nu-ţi fie frică de extratereştri. Care ar
fi cel mai mare pericol? Teoreticienii spun c-ar putea fi deja aici. De ce nu
ne-au contactat ȋncă, posibile motive. Anxietatea
extraterestră: ȋn 2020, 1 in 5 adulţi britanici se temea că marţienii vor
invada Pămȋntul ȋn următorii 50 de ani.
Citeşti toate astea şi-ţi mai faci un
test de inteligenţă. Cȋt ȋţi mai dă voie A.I. E plin internetul de click
aici, s-ar putea să ai un IQ mai mare de 130.
Asta te-ar putea ȋncuraja să baţi
titluri ȋn lung şi-n lat şi să străbaţi ȋntreg spectrul anxios. Spre deosebire
de alte afecţiuni mentale, anxietatea este una determinată cultural.
Drept dovadă, trei sferturi dintre
rezidenţii ţărilor cu economiile cele mai avansate cred că schimbările
climatice le vor crea suferinţă, mai devreme sau mai tȋrziu.
La asta se adaugă ceva nou: frica de
război ȋn ţările aflate departe de zona de conflict. Neputinţă, frustrare,
perspectivă total imprevizibilă. Coroborat,
anxietatea nucleară s-a acutizat ȋntr-atȋt, ȋncȋt specialiştii s-au sesizat din
oficiu: Cum să vorbeşti cu copilul despre războiul
Asta, după ce i-ai explicat cum e cu nosophobia,
anxietate legată de contactarea acelor boli cronice, nevindecabile, cărora li s-a
făcut reclamă din plin şi-a dat şi peste. (nu e ipohondrie) 1 din 4
părinţi au copii cu probleme de somn iar 1 din 5 le dau melatonină ȋnainte de
ora de somn. (habar n-am de ce)
Criza din covid-19 a lăsat şi ea, ȋn
urmă, obsesiv-compulsivul reflex de a te repezi pe internet, la o căutare de
simptome, după cea mai slabă tuse.
Abia aştept ca inteligenţa artificială
să ia locul doctorilor! Bagi ȋn ea ce informaţie vrei, şi primeşti ce boală ţi
se potriveşte. Vine algoritmul şi-ţi dă compatibilitatea la marele fix, ca
Netflix: 97%. Măcar e pe faţă.
Anxietatea A.I. e ȋn creştere. Dar
anxietatea legată de schimbările climatice e cea mai puternică. Ȋi face pe
oameni să se simtă fără speranţă, furioşi, alienaţi. Iar asta, spun
specialiştii, ȋţi scoate creierul din funcţiune. Ȋţi stă mintea-n loc, adică.
Este numită “future anxiety”,
ȋngrijorarea cu privire la viitor. Ȋntr-un studiu care cuprinde mai multe ţări
din toată lumea, 59% s-au declarat foarte sau extrem de ȋngrijoraţi iar 84% ȋngrijoraţi
peste medie. Mai mult de jumătate spun că anxietatea climatică le afectează
viaţa de zi cu zi. Spre deosebire de alte anxietăţi de cultură, această
ȋngrijorare imprimă şi o amprentă de auto-ȋnvinovăţire.
Future anxiety şi War anxiety nici nu existau, pȋnă
acum, ȋn ţări precum Italia, de exemplu. E prima dată cȋnd sunt documentate.
Frica de război e urmată de un şir de anxietăţi legate de consecinţele
economice ale războiului. Apoi, cum era de aşteptat, frica de un al III-lea
război mondial e deja aici.
Dar, nu mă las. Să vă dau nişte
titluri: “AI chatbots deja au surclasat media creativitaţii umane”, “AI
e deja mai creativ decȋt tine”, na!
e o dezordine de sănătate mentală care implică gȋnduri, sentimente, impulsuri invasive,
disturbatoare de care nu poţi să scapi, ca de nişte erori cognitive ce sunt. Ȋn
schimb, le vezi drept periculoase şi ameninţătoare iar asta le transformă ȋn
obsesii – O de la OCD. Evită anumite teme, cuvinte sau fraze care pot declanşa
stress şi anxietate. Redu, ia o pauză sau
stai departe de anumite tipuri de ştiri, dacă acestea te afectează prea mult.”
‘AI Anxiety’ Is on the Rise—Here’s How to Manage It https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ai-anxiety-is-on-the-rise-heres-how-to-manage-it/
Cum să te prefaci c-ai vizionat ceva ce n-ai vizionat
Romȃni disperaţi: Nu ne mai deranjaţi! https://freefrompress.blogspot.com/2024/07/romani-disperati-nu-ne-mai-deranjati.html
anxiety over climate change - “According to Jeffrey Kiehl, PhD, a climate scientist and Jungian psychologist, consistent exposure to news coverage makes people feel hopeless, angry, and dissociated. This may cause the brain to remain in a state where it can’t function.” https://www.calm.com/blog/eco-anxiety-coping-tips
“Being worried about your health is natural, even more so since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even the slightest cough can warrant a symptom search online. It makes sense – anxiety is our body’s response to a perceived threat.” https://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/worried-about-your-health-you-may-have-health-anxiety (afectează ȋn jur de 10% din populaţie)
A sociology of anxiety: Western modern legacy and the Covid-19 outbreak - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8180663/
“Chronic stress related
to the economic effects of war on aspects of everyday life, including gas
prices, the cost of food, and the stock market
Concern for children and family members whom you want to keep safe.” https://thriveworks.com/blog/wrestling-with-war-anxiety-russia-ukraine-conflict/
“1. Limit Media Exposure:
– Breaking the habit of constantly checking the news can be the most effective change in combatting war anxiety. Try to limit exposure, including social media, to less than 30 minutes daily.” https://connectpsychservices.com.au/coping-with-war-anxiety-strategies-for-navigating-uncertain-times/
“Respondents across all countries were worried about climate change (59% were very or extremely worried and 84% were at least moderately worried). More than 50% reported each of the following emotions: sad, anxious, angry, powerless, helpless, and guilty. More than 45% of respondents said their feelings about climate change negatively affected their daily life and functioning…” https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(21)00278-3/fulltext
“Another reason watching news from Ukraine may be affecting mental health is because witnessing the suffering of others can actually cause us to feel pain.” https://theconversation.com/news-of-war-can-impact-your-mental-health-heres-how-to-cope-178734
“[…] 1 in 4 parents said their child has trouble getting to sleep because they are anxious or worried. […] The poll also found 1 in 5 parents often or sometimes give their child melatonin before bedtime, which came as a surprise given the younger age range of 1 to 6 years old, Clark said.” https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/17/health/children-sleep-issues-bedtime-anxiety-wellness/index.html
“However, to our knowledge, no study has currently explored the relationship between these variables in communities that are not directly involved in a war, particularly in the Italian context where the constructs of Future Anxiety and Fear of War have only recently been introduced in the literature.” https://www.mdpi.com/2254-9625/14/4/54
"We found that 39% of young people globally also have distressing thoughts and feelings about climate change that make them hesitant to have children." https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/12/what-is-climate-anxiety-protect-mental-health-britt-wray/
“Climate change is affecting mental health in all communities, especially in young people.” https://www.nature.com/articles/s44220-023-00059-3
Dealing with health anxiety - https://www.alustforlife.com/voice/personal-stories/dealing-with-health-anxiety?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwg8qzBhAoEiwAWagLrLJ9Fq1enKDmPDj3FMB7jx-dX_CdCHsLPg0tF_wuOmhE6bN3ztaynhoCP8EQAvD_BwE
“Note how often you
check your body, ask people for reassurance, or look at health information.
Try to gradually reduce how often you do these things over a week.” https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/health-anxiety/
“Nosophobia is when you have a persistent, irrational fear of contracting a chronic, often life-threatening disease like cancer or AIDS. Nosophobia differs from illness anxiety disorder (hypochondria), which causes you to worry about all types of sicknesses. The number of people with nosophobia may be on the rise due to the COVID-19 pandemic.” https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22523-nosophobia-fear-of-disease
“It usually stems from worrying the same things may happen where you live. This is a common reaction. In fact, some experts have dubbed this phenomenon” headline stress disorder,” “war anxiety,” or “nuclear anxiety.”” https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/how-to-handle-war-anxiety
Give yourself a time
limit on how much news you’re getting each day
Pick programs you trust
and record them
Mute alerts during your
workday so you’re not receiving constant interruptions
Delete apps that give
you anxiety or increase your fear
Take a break from any news sites that you find distressing” https://www.talkspace.com/mental-health/conditions/articles/resources-war-anxiety/
“Nuclear anxiety” - https://www.treatmyocd.com/what-is-ocd/info/related-symptoms-conditions/nuclear-anxiety-how-can-you-deal-with-anxiety-about-war
“As this applies to the initial question, a person with anxiety may re-watch TV shows they like because they find comfort and positive feelings in the familiarity.” https://www.theguesthouseocala.com/why-do-people-with-anxiety-re-watch-tv-shows/
Se rupe coaliţia? Semne https://freefrompress.blogspot.com/2024/06/se-rupe-coalitia-semne.html#more
ca impostură https://antipresa.blogspot.com/2024/05/caritatea-ca-impostura_24.html
Coldeo şi Statul parallel cu realitatea https://freefrompress.blogspot.com/2024/06/coldeo-si-statul-parallel.html
“Alien anxiety: 1 in 5 adults fears Martians will invade Earth
within next 50 years
MARCH 17, 2020 https://studyfinds.org/alien-anxiety-1-in-5-adults-fear-martians-will-invade-earth-within-next-50-years/ “Of those who believe contact with aliens is imminent, 71% expect to face danger from panicked humans amid the chaos. would end the human race as we know it.”
“Researchers at Zaragoza University in Spain concluded that almost half of believers may qualify for PTSD diagnoses. Out of 19 people claiming to have been taken by aliens, nine of them met the criteria for PTSD — a rate of 47%. Compare that to people were kidnapped by other humans, 46% of whom (about 15 people) could be considered PTSD sufferers.” https://nypost.com/2021/12/15/ptsd-is-real-in-people-who-claim-alien-abduction-study/
“Headlines ensued, proclaiming that “AI chatbots already surpass average human in creativity” and “AI is already more creative than YOU.” The new study is the latest in a growing body of research that seems to portend generative AI outpacing the average human in many artistic and analytical realms—from photography competitions to scientific hypotheses.” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ai-anxiety-is-on-the-rise-heres-how-to-manage-it/
Germania: O
negaționistă în vârstă de 95 de ani, condamnată la peste un an de închisoare https://freefrompress.blogspot.com/2024/07/germania-o-negationista-incalzirilor.html#more
antidepressive? - Anxiety
disorders are the world’s most common mental disorders, affecting 301 million
people in 2019. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/anxiety-disorders
“There are other terms
used, such as ecoanxiety, which is defined by the American Psychological
Association as a ‘chronic fear of environmental doom’ and appears to
particularly affect young people. A 2020 survey of child psychiatrists in
England revealed that more than 57% of young people reported distress about the
climate crisis and the state of the environment.” https://populationmatters.org/news/2023/12/climate-anxiety-fear-of-the-future/
"I wonder about the
ethics of bringing a kid into a dying Earth," […] "I don't know if I
want to continue my bloodline," Caceres, who works as a receptionist at an
auction house, told BI. "There's too many things I don't know about it,
and I don't want to have to gather up all of my background health, go through
the generational issues.” https://sg.news.yahoo.com/gen-z-marriage-maybe-kids-170001636.html
paper states that 60% of survey participants felt betrayed by their government,
nearly 50% said anxiety or distress related to the climate crisis was impairing
their ability to function day-to-day, and 40% were afraid to have children
because of the climate crisis.” https://www.theenergymix.com/3-4-of-young-people-fear-for-the-future-4-in-10-fear-having-children-global-survey-finds/
75% of young respondents said, “the future is frightening.”
In some countries, that
number was even higher. In Portugal, it was 81%, and in the Philippines, 92%. […]
More than 50% of survey
respondents said they felt “sad, anxious, angry, powerless, helpless, and
guilty” about climate change.” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/eco-anxiety-75-of-young-people-say-the-future-is-frightening