miercuri, 22 noiembrie 2017

Filantropie, pedofilie

Doar cîteva exemple.
Jeffrey Epstein, miliardar
 Former President Bill Clinton continues to remain silent about the 26 flights he took aboard convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” which reportedly offered underage girls to passengers to rape.” https://www.infowars.com/bill-clinton-still-silent-about-flights-on-pedophiles-sex-plane/
Epstein reportedly flew Tucker and Spacey [Kevin Spacey] to Africa on his private jet as part of a charitable endeavour.”  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/who-is-jeffrey-epstein-a-study-of-the-man-linked-to-worlds-of-celebrity-politics-and-royalty-9954397.html (articol din 2015)
By 2006, when charges against Epstein were made public in Florida, he had fulfilled at least $6.5 million of that pledge, the reports said. Harvard's then president said he would not return the money because it was doing good for science.” http://www.businessinsider.com/r-exclusive-some-charities-to-refuse-money-from-us-financier-accused-in-sex-case-2015-2
“ “Jane Doe No. 3” also alleged that she had been forced to have sex with “numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders.”” https://nypost.com/2016/10/09/the-sex-slave-scandal-that-exposed-pedophile-billionaire-jeffrey-epstein/

“A absolvit Universitatea din Arizona şi a sosit în România prima dată în anii 1980[3], după care s-a întors în 1994 la Iaşi, unde a înfiinţat fundaţia „Centrul pentru Studii Româneşti”, care avea ca scop promovarea istoriei şi culturii româneşti în lume[4]. A predat timp de câţiva ani şi la Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi[4]. Kurt Treptow a publicat mai multe lucrări împreună cu fostul preşedinte al CNSAS, Gheorghe Onişoru, şi cu istoricul Gheorghe Buzatu[4]. În colaborare cu Institutul de Istorie „A.D. Xenopol”, din Iaşi, în 1999, a editat mai multe monografii despre istoria românilor[4].”  https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Treptow  

Kurt Treptow a fost condamnat pentru pedofilie, fără urmă de îndoială pentru că existau dovezi filmate și fotografiate, dar a fost eliberat mult înainte de ispășirea pedepsei.

“La începutul anului 2013, presa ieşeană i-a dezvăluit identitatea trezorierului Partidul Libertarian din Nevada, care era chiar Kurt Treptow, ”rebrănduit”! Paradoxal, la momentul respectiv, când nimeni nu-i ştia trecutul, Brackob organiza acţiuni caritabile pentru copii. Iniţial, Joseph Silvestri, şeful partidului, a publicat un punct de vedere oficial în care a precizat că Brackob ar fi fost condamnat de regimul totalitar din România.” https://www.cancan.ro/au-trecut-15-ani-de-la-scandalul-sexual-care-a-zguduit-romania-sub-ce-nume-se-ascunde-azi-si-cum-arata-istoricul-pedofil-kurt-treptow-16550926
“Treptow fusese trimis în 1988 în România de CIA cu misiunea de a culege date şi de a pune umărul la răsturnarea lui Ceauşescu. După 1990, pedofilul-istoric a primit sute de mii de dolari de la SIE pentru a scrie cărţi şi articole despre imaginea României.” http://m.ziuanews.ro/dezvaluiri-investigatii/scandalul-spionilor-pedofili-ninel-slavu-face-parte-din-aceea-i-filiera-cu-kurt-treptow-128682
“Colin Gregg has many faces; headmaster, charity king, bakery heir, and, we now know, paedophile.
Behind his facade of respectability, he abused young boys over a period of decades, beginning in the early 1960s and continuing until the 1990s.” http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/many-faces-colin-gregg-teacher-12828285

William Goad, 60, thought to be Britain's most prolific paedophile, could ask for parole in less than six years, because “Lord Justice Kennedy, one of three judges who heard the case, said that despite his appalling crimes, Goad had contributed much to society, collected funds for charity and had been esteemed in the local community in Plymouth.” http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/devon/4168083.stm (două dintre victimele ăstuia s-au sinucis)
“A first aid charity with youth members has been closed down after it was discovered a trustee was a convicted paedophile, the charity commission said today.” https://www.theguardian.com/society/2002/jul/02/charitieslaw.charities

A charity is looking for people to befriend paedophiles to stop them getting lonely, MailOnline can reveal.
The Circles UK is looking for sensible people with a 'mature outlook' to commit to spending time with sex offenders on a regular basis after they leave prison.” (Big Lottery Fund a dat două milioane de lire pe asta.) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4462978/Would-drink-tea-paedophile.html#ixzz4z3YiQm9m

“A charity is calling for so-called 'child sex dolls' to be made available FREE ON PRESCRIPTION for paedophiles.” http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/charity-calls-child-sex-dolls-10919997
Family Matters, Gravesend's therapy and support service for victims of child sexual abuse and rape was horrified to learn Amazon US was selling a Paedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover's Code of Conduct.” http://www.newsshopper.co.uk/news/8632682.GRAVESEND__Rape_victim_charity_condemns_Amazon_paedophile_advice_book/
“Munro pleaded guilty to 10 child sex offences including buggery and indecent assault against several victims in South Australia’s Kangaroo Island, Rapid Bay and the Glenelg between 1962 and 1983. […]He moved to Cambodia more than seven years ago and became involved in charities for orphaned Cambodians.” http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/revealed-millionaire-ladyboy-bar-owner-and-child-sex-offender-tony-munro-questioned-in-1966-beaumont-children-mystery/news-story/3cfbbd9479d0c47fbf33fdc23b01be45
Reginald Forester-Smith, a millionaire celebrity photographer and a paedophile for his own daughters left the most of his money to charity. http://www.deadlinenews.co.uk/2010/04/25/14888-290/
When it came to money, Howard Gutman, a top Washington lawyer, brought in the cash by raising $500,000 for Obama’s campaign committee and another $275,000 for his inauguration committee.  And Gutman was not just an Obama boy. He had donated the legal maximum to Hillary’s presidential bid.
That was a lot of money. Enough to let a donor molest as many children as he cared to.” http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/243397/clintons-pardons-pedophiles-daniel-greenfield
Cam toți au donat și pentru “cercetarea” cancerului.