“Explozia de cancere” din Romȃnia e cauzată de explozia de consum de droguri!
Aţi auzit
vreodată, ȋn cellulele teroriste din presă (plătite de industria medicală), că drogurile
provoacă si cancer, printre altele? Niciodată! Doar murăturile, carnea
roşie, stresul, morcovii, bulionul, paracetamolul, trecerea la ora de vară şi
alţi nevinovaţi au fost incriminaţi ȋn campaniile nesănătoase politico-mediatice.
ȋntȋi, tumorile benigne nu sunt cancer! Nu există “cancer benign”, chiar dacă, unii “specialişti”
ȋncearcă să impună conceptul.
Uite, scrie aici: “Benign
tumors do not spread to other parts of the body and are rarely
life-threatening. Many breast lumps, for example, are benign. Benign tumors
are not cancer.” https://www.drugs.com/cancer.html
Ce spun specialiştii?
abuse is connected to many health issues, such as lung or heart disease, mental
health conditions, lowered immune systems, and cancer. According to the
American Cancer Society, substance abuse and addiction make up about 30% of
all cancer deaths” https://www.addictioncenter.com/addiction/cancer-addiction/
care pot produce cancer -
“Screening pharmaceuticals for possible carcinogenic effects: initial positive results for drugs not previously screened” - Fentanyl - Esophagus; Clarithromycin - Anus, anal canal, anorectum, Lung. Bronchus, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma; Ranitidine - Esophagus; Nicotine Lip, Mouth, pharynx etc. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3010483/
“However, steroid misuse can have consequences throughout the body, including testicular cancer in men and the development of liver tumors.” https://sunrisehouse.com/addiction-demographics/cancer/
“Exposure in
the womb to a drug used to prevent miscarriage appears to raise the offspring’s
cancer risk decades later, especially for colorectal and prostate cancers,
researchers have found.” https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/featured-science-from-endo-2021/drug-used-during-pregnancy-may-increase-cancer-risk-in-mothers-adult-children
How some drugs can turn into a cancer-causing chemical in the body https://today.uconn.edu/2021/02/how-some-drugs-can-turn-into-a-cancer-causing-chemical-in-the-body-2/
Sumatriptan. Tamoxifen. Epinephrine. What do these seemingly unrelated
drugs have in common?” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-08-23/many-common-drugs-have-the-potential-to-raise-cancer-risk
Pe lȋngă alcool şi tutun, cunoscute şi incriminate ca dătătoare de boli (de altfel, consumatorii celor două vicii nu neagă asta), ştiaţi că marihuana, consumată mai ales ȋn adolescenţă dă cancer testicular? https://drugabuse.com/addiction/health-issues/cancer/
"I hope at a minimum this study increases
awareness that some anti-cancer drugs can cause unintended disruption of the
nucleolus, which can be very prominent," said Potapova https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230823/Stowers-researchers-reveal-why-certain-anti-cancer-drugs-can-cause-unexpected-side-effects.aspx
“Likewise, mounting evidence suggests that opioid abuse can cause six different types of cancer. A 2016 study revealed a statistically significant increase in bladder, kidney, mouth, esophagus, larynx, and pharynx cancers in opioid users as compared with non-users.” https://nexusrecoveryservices.com/addiction/cancer/
agents include a wide variety of substances, but phenacetin produces
some of the biggest cancer risks. This painkiller has a link to renal,
pelvis and ureter cancer.” https://diamondhousedetox.com/drugs-cause-cancer/
Fluoxetine and Paroxetine - “The two drugs are classified as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Some studies have linked the medications to testicular cancer. For the former, scientists recorded 14 cases of cancer with a relative risk of 2.51 after about 10 months of use.” https://www.lawyer-monthly.com/2020/11/common-drugs-that-may-cause-cancer/ (Zantac, Losartan and Valsartan, Proton Pump Inhibitors “used to treat heartburn and acid reflux and are some of the most popular in the country”)
folosită pentru tumori non-canceroase are un risc de cancer, apoi, estrogenii
sintetici, hormoni prescrişi la menopauză, medicaţia imunosupresoare (prescrisă
după transplant) etc. https://www.oncolink.org/risk-and-prevention/medications-health-history-and-cancer-risk
“First it
was certain blood pressure and heartburn drugs; now some medications
used to treat type 2 diabetes are being recalled because of cancer
concerns.” https://www.health.harvard.edu/cancer/another-drug-recall-due-to-cancer-causing-ingredients
“Earlier this year, a regulatory effort in California is working toward getting acetaminophen classified as a carcinogen. The common pain reliever and fever reducer may be placed on the state’s list of chemicals “known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.” https://www.tmc.edu/news/2020/05/does-acetaminophen-cause-cancer/
“Some widely
used blood pressure drugs may be associated with an increased risk of
cancer, researchers found in a new study.”
“Aurobindo Pharma USA is voluntarily recalling a blood pressure tablet because of a potential cancer risk, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).” https://www.everydayhealth.com/hypertension/blood-pressure-pills-recalled-over-potential-cancer-risk/
Se fac
studii doar pe termen scurt, astfel că, ţinȋnd cont că pot trece ani pȋnă să
apară cancerul, nu se ştie cȋt bine sau cȋt rău fac medicamentele.
“Timing Is
Everything When It Comes to Cancer Risk:
At the time,
we were surprised to discover that most of the trials FDA had reviewed were
relatively short term. It can take years for cancer to develop, so short-term
studies may not be able to reveal such a risk.” https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/does-your-medicine-pose-a-cancer-risk
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