marți, 4 martie 2025

Germania se vrea ȋnarmată


După ce s-a consultat cu liderii care contează, Germania a hotărȋt şi ne aduce la cunoştinţă: 800 de miliarde pentru reȋnarmarea Europei, drept răspuns la acţiunea de ȋncheiere a păcii iniţiată de D. Trump. Nu ştiu de unde-i scoateţi, ni se spune, dar deficitul nu trebuie să crească. Războiul din Ucraina e o prelungire a pandemiei şi parte dintr-un plan, pe care nu trebuie să-l cunoaşteţi. Cert e că, vom ȋnhăţa resursele de gaze ale Ucrainei, cele dinspre UE, pe care le vom plăti numai cu condiţia ca ucrainienii să-i investească ȋn energie verde.

Vom adapta legislaţia UE la situaţia nou-creată, adică la permanentizarea războiului hybrid.

Evident, nu vom putea recupera niciodată teritoriile ocupate de Rusia, dar, prin acest effort de ȋnarmare, vom transforma Ucraina ȋntr-un porc spinos, cu dosul spre Rusia, aşa ȋncȋt, ȋn momentul cȋnd Putin va vrea să muşte din ţara vecină, să-i stea ȋn gȋt.

Acela va fi momentul cȋnd războiul va lua sfȋrşit.

Nu-i aşa, că e cea mai bună idee, de la capacul lipit de sticlele de plastic?

Inhaling nicotine vapour from E-cigarettes has been described by the NHS as “substantially less harmful than smoking.” But Dr Maxime Boidin, leader of the world’s first controlled study into vaping's long-term effects at Manchester Metropolitan University - which concludes in March - believes the health threat to vapers is even worse.”

A new Trinity College, Dublin study warns Google starts tracking your phone as soon as it’s powered on, through “cookies, identifiers and other data that Google silently stores on Android handsets,” through the default apps that are pre-installed.”

March 3, 2025 – “If you think your energy bill is already high, brace yourself. Labour may have promised a Net Zero electricity system that would cut average bills by £300 — but as new research reveals, the opposite is going to happen. We can expect the cost of electricity to increase by at least 75%.”

It is to say that the soul of “development” has always been much less humanistic than its proponents assert. In fact, the entire enterprise of aid has been a tool for geopolitical control, a means of preserving, rather than eliminating, global inequality and the resource extraction that feeds it.”

One source of renewable energy which has not been considered is earthquakes. Earthquakes are a result of a sudden release of energy from the Earth’s crust. This energy release occurs when stress in the Earth’s lithosphere builds up over time. The energy is then suddenly released along cracks in the Earth’s crust. This release usually happens due to tectonic plate movement, volcanic activity, and also human activity.”

Using somewhat unusual terminology, Von der Leyen said that Europeans must work to "turn Ukraine into a prickly pig that is inconvenient for potential aggressors," according to the Guardian.”

“Asta pentru că, la nivel mondial, avem un inamic: o ocultă nemiloasă, de tip monolit, care se bazează, ȋn principal, pe mijloace ascunse pentru a-şi extinde sfera de influenţă – prin insinuare, ȋn loc de invadare; prin subminarea ordinii de drept [revolte], ȋn loc de alegeri democratice; prin intimidare, ȋn loc de libertatea de a alege, pe lupta de gherilă, ȋn plan obscur, ȋn loc de luptă armată la lumina zilei.”  President John F Kennedy