


vineri, 18 octombrie 2024



“He was moving around — kind of thrashing. Like, moving, thrashing around on the bed,” Natasha Miller, an organ preservationist in the operating room during the alarming October 2021 incident, told NPR. “And then when we went over there, you could see he had tears coming down. He was crying visibly.”

October 2021. Baptist Health hospital in Richmond, Kentucky

Pacientul Anthony Thomas, 36 de ani, a fost declarat mort ȋn urma unei supradoze. Sora lui ȋşi aminteşte că i-a tresărit inima cȋnd, ȋn timpul transportului spre sala de operaţii, Anthony a deschis ochii, privind ţintit ȋn jurul lui. Ca şi cȋnd ar fi vrut să atragă atenţia că...

“Start la cumpărături!” - Vă uitaţi vreodată pe bonul pe care-l primiţi de la casă?

Experimente medicale - “There had been an influx of available kidneys and livers in America in recent years due to the rise of opioid overdoses in young people.”